
Jornadas CICECO 2019

I The Aveiro team participated in the annual Jornadas of CICECO, from the 11th to 12th June

All the current members of the Aveiro consortium participated in the annual conference held within CICECO-Aveiro Institute of Materials, Associate Laboratory of the University of Aveiro.

CICECO commemorated 15 years of existence with another Jornadas, fostering the creation of networks between the several research groups in CICECO, showing the most promising results, and discussing the future of research and the role of CICECO in this future. Many inspiring talks by CICECO members and invited researchers were given, and our project coordinator, Dr. Filipe Figueiredo, was a chair in one of the sessions.

Members of the Aveiro team: Dr. Paula Barbosa, Dr. Daniel Muñoz-Gil, Tomás Almeida and Sérgio Viduêdo all participated with poster communications of their work performed within UniRCell.